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3 Mar 2023

Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches' An Only Somewhat Spellbinding Gothic

It was clear the network had its sights set on resurrecting more stories of a paranormal variety for the small-screen market. The epic rights package consisted of 18 novels,

3 Mar 2023

Rowan can tolerate the undeserved criticism and dismissive attitude she

It was clear the network had its sights set on resurrecting more stories of a paranormal variety for the small-screen market. The epic rights package consisted of 18 novels,

3 Mar 2023

Mayfair Witches, a somewhat more linear story in nature, quickly Reach

It was clear the network had its sights set on resurrecting more stories of a paranormal variety for the small-screen market. The epic rights package consisted of 18 novels,


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